Call for Papers: Volume 3, Issue 1 / 2016

Comparative Balkan Politics (CBP) is a new annual journal in the field of comparative politics and international studies with a focus on Southeast Europe. CBP defines its scope broadly to include comparative studies in politics, economy, and social science in all of the Balkans and Southeast Europe, as well as in countries that have strong ties to the region, and comparative studies of countries that give new insights to developments in the Balkans. CBP aims to publish original articles that give new insights into Balkan politics in order to promote better understanding and informed debate on political processes in Southeast Europe.

Comparative Balkan Politics is now accepting manuscripts for its forthcoming issue, on the topic “The Presidentialization of Political Parties – Limiting Internal Party Democracy”. We welcome both theoretical and empirical research articles, single case studies, as well as comparative perspectives. Research articles not focusing on presidentialization of political parties, as well as review articles, will be accepted within the general section of the journal.

The deadline for submitting manuscripts to be included in this issue is 1 February 2017.

Manuscripts of research articles should typically be between 6000 and 8000 words, including references, tables, captions and footnotes. Manuscripts of review articles should be between 3000 and 4000 words. Please refer to the Author guidelines for more details.

All manuscripts are accepted in English language. Submissions have to be an original work of the author(s), and must not duplicate any previously published work, including the author(s) own previous publications. The manuscript must not be under consideration or peer review or in the process of being published elsewhere.

All manuscripts undergo rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Referee recommendations and high academic standards are the final criteria of judgment for inclusion in the journal.

All articles published in Comparative Balkan Politics are Open Access under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-NoDerivs License (CC BY-NC-ND).

For additional information please contact the Editor Zlatko Vujović (


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