
Status and financing of political parties in Montenegro


Product Description

Manual “Status and financing of political parties in Montenegro”
Authors: Olivera Komar, Danijela Boskovic and Zlatko Vujovic

This publication was prepared on one hand in order to understand the political actors and interest of the public with the basic conceptual definitions of institutions and process in which is determined thecertain activities of political actors, and on the other hand as a practical guide for the implementation of legal texts adopted on the suggestion of the Centre for Monitoring.

The publication was developed within the project “Monitoring of the Implementation of the Law on Political Parties and the Law on financing of political parties” supported by USAID/ORT and USAID.

Special thanks the authors owe to professors of the Faculty of Law in Podgorica, Ph.d. Srdjan Darmanovic and Ph.d. Vladimir Goatij, who contributed greatly in designing and establishing the final version of this book.

We believe that publishing this publication will significantly reduce uncertainties that arise during the application of these two laws, and that this would make their implementation easier, which we believe is of a great importance to accelerate the process of democratic consolidation in Montenegro.

Download the publication in Montenegrin language.


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