
Monitoring of respect for the presumption of innocence and the right to counsel in 2005


Product Description

Monitoring of respect for the presumption of innocence and the right to counsel – Report for 2005
Author: Milorad Markovic
Associates: Lana Vukmirovic, Anda Backovic, Pavle Gegaj, Bojan Paunovic and Tijana Pavicevic

Publication “Monitoring of respect for the presumption of innocence and the right to counsel” was created within the project “Monitoring of respect for the presumption of innocence and the right to counsel” implemented by the Center for Monitoring in the period of August 2005 to January 2006, with the support of Swedish Helsinki Committee (SHC).

The publication consists of seven parts.

The first part presents the opening remarks and the methodology used for the study. The second part is an analysis of the work of the Court in Podgorica, and the third part consists of in-depth interviews, which were performed with the convicts, lawyers and judges. The fourth part includes the results of two focus groups which were done with the media and NGO representatives. The fifth part presents a survey of public opinion, and the sixth part presents the results of monitoring of print media.

The seventh and last part, presents conclusions and recommendations.

Download the publication in Montenegrin language.


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