
Report on the Financing of Political Parties 2006


Product Description

Within the project “Monitoring of financing of political parties” CeMI has published the report in Montenegrin and English language and enable the free access to information which is related to financing of political parties. The goal of this publication is to introduce the public with the situation in the area of financing of political parties in Montenegro, as well as with the CeMI’s anticorruption activities in that field.

The publication consists of seven parts:

  • Commentary of the Law on Financing of Political Parties;
  • Financing of political parties in Montenegro – overview for 2006 year;
  • Assessment of the regulation of the financing of political parties in Montenegro and recommendations of the Council of Europe for changes in the legal framework;
  • CEMI’s initiative for assessing the constitutionality of provisions of the ZFF;
  • Financial Report of DPS-SDP coalition for the parliamentary elections, September 10, 2006;
  • Review of legal provisions;
  • Profile of the organization.

Monitoring of financing of political parties is the project that CeMI has been implementing for four years with the support of Foundation Open Society Institute – Representative Office in Montenegro.


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