Summer school for peer educators

From 28th to the 30th of September this year, a two-day summer school for peer educators will be organized at Ivanova korita. The school is organized within the project Smart Start-Active youth for sustainable changes, which CeMI is implementing with the financial support of the Montenegrin Ministry of Sports.

The school will be divided in two parts: in the first part experts will introduce participants with the characteristics of the political system of Montenegro, the process of EU integration, changes and opportunities for the young people that this process carries; the second part will be devoted to the modeling of a peer education workshop, which will be used during peer education implementation in schools.

During the workshop, Peer educators will shape themes and ideas that they want to present to their peers in their high shools. With the coordination of the Project coordinator, 30 Peer educators will visit all of the muncipalities in Montenegro. Peer educators will give at least 25 thematic lectures within student parliaments in 25 municipalities in Montenegro (24 municipalities and 1 city municipality) and together with their peers formulate ideas and recommendations for improving the youth policy in Montenegro. This activity will be dominantly implemented by students/Peer educators with the mentorship of the Project coordinator.

At the workshops during summer school and at the lectures of Peer educators, young people will work on shaping the ideas and recommendations for improving youth policy in Montenegro, which will be shown in the form of a poster. Also, they will participate in suggesting the visual solutions for the design of the posters, which after that will be formed by the hired graphic designer. CeMI will organize the exhibit of the posters in an adequate space. After the exhibit, copies of the posters will be sent to high schools with the goal of further promoting the ideas.

The Agenda for the summer school can be downloaded here.

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