Seminar was held in Belgrade on 10th and 11th of July

In Belgrade, on the 10th and 11th of July 2018 a seminar was organized within the project „Strengthening Investigation and Prosecution Capacity in the Western Balkans Countries – Financial Investigations as a Tool to Combat Organized Crime and Corruption“ which is implemented by the Center for Monitoring and Research with partners : Association  for Democratic Initiatives from Sarajevo and Transparency Serbia from Serbia, and which is supported by Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The aim of this seminar is training of the representatives of the judiciary, prosecution and police from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The key themes, among others, were efficiency and the quality of work of the courts and prosecution, as well as processing of corruption and organized crime, with special review on cooperation of the prosecution with the agencies for law implementation.


Introductory presentations were given by Bojan Bozovic, Head of Legal Department in CeMI, Nemanja Nenadic, program director of Transparency Serbia, Snjezana Ivandic from the Association for Democratic Initiatives in Sarajevo, while the lecturers were Vladimir Ceklic (assistant director of the Directorate for seized asset management, Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia) and Bojan Brankovic (court expert of the economical-financial profession from Serbia).


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