Four projects supported through the call LET’S PUT CORRUPTION INTO MUSEUM!

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), within the project LET’S PUT CORRUPTION INTO MUSEUM, signed today contracts with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), to whom funds were allocated through the first call within the framework of the call for projects supporting for these organizations in Montenegro in 2018. Through this call, four CSO projects have been supported, in the total amount of EUR 37,896, and in the forthcoming period, through their activities, they will endeavor to contribute to the participation of civil society in the implementation of anti-corruption policies and practices.

The following projects are supported:

  • Our LAND (Cementing Planning), implemented by the Center for Investigative Journalism of Montenegro (CIN CG) in partnership with the NGO KANA – Who if not an architect;
  • Profession before politics! , conducted by the Union of Doctors of Medicine in partnership with the Medical Chamber of Montenegro;
  • Corruption at the zero option, implemented by the Centre for Security, Sociological and Criminological Research “Defendology” from Niksić, in cooperation with the Centre for Political Education and the portal Onogošt;
  • Responsible for Ulcinj, implemented by Monitoring Group Ulcinj- MogUL.


In the course of contract signing, Daliborka Uljarević, executive director of the CCE, stated that “CCE continues to expand the network of organizations which will through various thematic frameworks and practices, contribute to raising public awareness of the harmful consequences of corruption, but also to encourage local communities and the public to respond effectively to corruption. “ She emphasized that “corruption in Montenegro is a systemic problem and as it requires more efficient action by the institutions, it also requires a more organized focus of civil society.”

Slavko Milić, the executive director of the Center for Security, Sociological and Criminological Research “Defendology”, said that “this support will help them, through the partnership and supportive attitude of the CCE, through project activities to make corruption more visible and to develop sustainable protection mechanisms from corruption. “

Milena Popović-Samardžić, executive director of the Medical Doctors Union, expressed her hope that “we will be able to point to the extent to which anomalies such as systemic corruption, High Level Corruption Destroys a Society”, with a clarification: “Our goal is to point to all levels in which corruption is or may be represented not only at the level of a doctor-patient, but also at the level of public procurement, employment, specialization, appointing a director, etc.”

Milka Tadić – Mijović, President of CIN CG, especially pointed out that “our goal is to jointly – put corruption in the museum. That is why, with the partners of the KANA Group, we will deal with the problems related to spatial planning in Podgorica and the suspicions that corruption is often behind the ‘mischievous’ planning.”

MogUL’s Executive Director, Xhemal Peroviq, said that “this cooperation is important because the local authority in Ulcinj is one of the most prominent in Montenegro, but also because in the last few years there is no opposition in Ulcinj. There is quite a lot of indignation and complaints from citizens on corruption cases, all of which are without sanction.”

The project LET’S PUT CORRUPTION INTO MUSEUM! has a goal to contribute to the reduction of corruption at local level and to increase the involvement of citizens of Montenegro in the fight against corruption at the local level. The project foresees that through the direct cooperation of CSOs, state institutions and citizens it will increase the transparency of the work of municipalities in Montenegro, as well as the implementation of anti-corruption policies.

The project LET’S PUT CORRUPTION INTO MUSEUM! CCE is conducting in partnership wit NGO Centre for Monitoring and Research (CeMI), NGO Bonum from Pljevlja, NGO UL-Info from Ulcinj, and NGO Za Druga from Petrovac, with associates Ministry of Public Administration and Agency for Prevention of Corruption (APC), and with the financial support of the EU Delegation in Montenegro.


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