Within the International scholl, 50 pupils and students gained knowledge of youth policies

Podgorica, PR press service – Within the IV International School “Youth Education and the Labor Market”, 50 socially engaged pupils and students, during the previous week acquired knowledge about youth policies in Montenegro and strategic documents related to youth employment.

This was announced by the Centre for Monitoring and Research (CeMI) and the University of Donja Gorica (UDG), who were organizing, with Art Communications from Podgorica, the Centre for International Studies from Croatia and the Centre for European Perspective from Slovenia, within the project “Be Ready for the EU values ​​”, the IV International School, which was completed today with the award ceremony in the “Palas” Hotel in Petrovac.

The organizers announced that 50 socially engaged pupils and students acquired knowledge in the past week about youth policies in Montenegro and strategic documents related to youth employment.

„They had an insight into the key issues that arise regarding the mismatch of the education system with the needs of the labor market, since knowledge and appropriate skills are the basic precondition for creating a knowledge society, increasing productivity and competitiveness of the economy“, the statement said.

The international school “Youth education and the labor market”, as announced, aimed to provide participants with the opportunity to gain new knowledge in the field of European youth policies and their alignment with the needs of the labor market in Montenegro.

“The school was also aiming at proposing models for improving the national strategic documents for youth employment and improving the coherence of policies and activities for employment of young people in Montenegro, which would have a positive impact on the professional and personal success of young people in all further stages of life”, according to a statement.

Participants said that they had an opportunity, within the School, to hear lectures of eminent experts from Montenegro and the region.

“These are experts such as President of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts Dragan K. Vukčević, Director General of the Directorate of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education of Montenegro Mubera Kurpejović, Dean of Humanistic Studies UDG Milan Podunavac, Dean of the Faculty of International Economics, Finance and Business UDG Maja Drakić Grgur, professor Ilija Vujačić from the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Belgrade, Stevan Lilić, Budimir Kosutić from the Law Faculty of the University of Belgrade and many others”, the statement said.

The fourth international school is part of the project “Be ready for EU values”, supported by the European Commission within the Erasmus plus program.

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