Representatives of Centre for Monitoring and Research (CeMI) and the Supreme Court have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation today, whose purpose is to achieve a higher lever of the Rule of Law in Montenegro.
Memorandum was signed by presidents of CeMI`s Government board Zlatko Vujović and Supreme Court Vesna Medenica.
The purpose of the Memorandum is to present the basics on which the Supreme Court, CeMI as the project implementer and CEDEM as a partner in the project, will exchange information and work together on the implementation of the project „Judical Reform: Improving capacity of Civil Society Organizations in contributing to preserve the integrity of the judicary“.
The project is implemented with the support of the European Commission (IPA).
The main purpose of the Project is to achieve a higher level of Rule of law in Montenegro.
The specific aim of the Project is to increase a level of professionalism, efficiency and integrity of the judicary, as well as to create mechanisms for cooperation beetwen Civil Society Organizations and judical authorities in order to contribute to the reform of the judicary in Montenegro and negotiations with the European Union within the negotiation Chapter 23, Judicary and the basic human rights.
The Project envisages monitoring of the most important court cases in Montenegro, including the implementation of the new instituts, such as the plea agreement and deffered criminal prosecution.
Memorandum will be valid for 30 days after signing.