Develop entrepreneurial spirit among young people

A large number of young people, after vocational schools, want to start their work, which is why the entrepreneurial spirit in this population should be developed, which would reduce the gap between the educational system and the needs of the labor market.

This was assessed by the coordinator of the Public Policy Research Department at the Centre for Monitoring and Research (CeMI), Marko Savić, guest on the Morning program of Radio Television of Montenegro, during which he presented the project “Training youth from the northern municipalities of Montenegro for the labor market”.

“The North of Montenegro is always accentuated as a less developed region and we think that for this reason it is necessary to invest a little more effort towards the youth from these cities, in order to give them somewhat the same opportunities as their colleagues in Podgorica who are closer to the business incubator and small factories and activities of various companies that, unfortunately, are not the most accessible to students from the north, “explained Savić.

He pointed out that there is a higher level of binding and flow of information today, but that, as he assessed, there is a noticeable gap between the school system and the needs of the labor market.

“I think that there is more talk about limited opportunities because today they are all extremely well connected via the Internet and social networks, so they know what’s happening. There is an abyss between what the education system prepares and what is waiting for them in the labor market, “Savić pointed out.

“In fact, we have already conducted a survey in all secondary schools with students of the third grade, on the basis of which they told us whether they want to find a job after high school, enter a college or want to start their own business based on their business idea, and based on that, we will offer them three different activities, “explained Savić.

Asked whether high school students are still young to start their business, Savić said that a large number of students in vocational schools who want to open their workshop after three or four years.

“One of the goals is to encourage young people to think that it is not the only option to study and wait for government jobs,” explained Savić.

He noted that almost all students expressed their desire to participate in training, which, according to him, is an indicator that they are eager for knowledge and skills.

“For the first group looking for a job, a training course will be organized in November to focus on active job search methods, where they can turn to, what are their obligations, and what are the employment programs of the Employment Service”, said Savić .

He announced that the Info Day on Faculties in Montenegro will be organized for the second group, composed of students who want to continue their education.

“Somewhere, we paid a little more attention to the third group, which in the course of November will have three trainings on entrepreneurship, that is, funds for which they can turn to obtain money, how to develop ideas and realize the idea, as well as startup companies, how to register them and functioning, “Savić pointed out.

Asked to comment on the support provided by the Ministry of Health to the Public Initiative on the Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places by NGOs Juventas and CeMI, Savić said that they also expect the support of the Prime Minister, reminding that the Initiative was sent to the Minister of Finance and Minister of Economy.

“We have a foothold in official data. One study has shown that as many as 60% of Montenegrin citizens want to have smoke-free zones and to fully apply that part to the fact that there are local and non-smoking institutions, “Savić said.

The project is financed by the Ministry of Sport of Montenegro through a competition for financing and co-financing programs and projects based on the annual plan for the implementation of the National Youth Strategy for 2017.



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