The competition for participation in the School of Law of the EU “Economic and Social Rights in the EU”


Art Communications from Podgorica in cooperation with partners: Centre for Monitoring and Research and University of Donja Gorica from Podgorica, Centre for international studies from Croatia, Centre for european perspectives from Slovenia, announces an open call for pupils and students to apply for participation in international school „Economic and social rights in the EU“, within the project Be Ready for European Values.

The school will provide an opportunity to participants to gain theoretical knowledge in the field of economic policies of the EU through introduction to common sector policies and programmes of the European Union. Having in mind that economic rights in the EU are followed by social rights, within which equal opportunities and access to the labor market, equal working conditions for all, adequate and sustainable social protection are mostly advocated, the School will be directed towards studiying of those fields.

Youth represent the most important segment of society, because they are the creators of future and they have a direct influence to the development of every society in global framework. Through the introduction to theoretical basis of the economic policies and understanding of the mutual impact of national economic policy at the global and European context, students of the school will have insight into the functioning of economic processes and their direct impact on social rights and policies.

Participants of the School will be pupils and students who are socially engaged. After the international school, participants will be able to share their experiences about economic and social rights that we will have as citizens of a member state of the EU with members of same age and social categories in Montenegro in the best possible way. Within the school, participants will have an opportunity to attend lectures of eminent experts in mentioned fields. The school will be organized from 9th to 13th May 2017 in hotel Sea Fort Apart in Bar.

In order to apply for the School, it is neccessary to send CV, certificate of achievement during their schooling / studying and cover letter to the address no later than 25th April 2017.

Third international school is part of the project „Be Ready for European Values“ that is supported by the European Commission within the programme Erasmus Plus (Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Capacity Building in the field of Youth for WB 2015)


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