PhD Zoran Stojiljković

PhD Zoran Stojiljkovic

PhD Stojiljkovic was born in 1953 in Pozega, Serbia. In 1977, he completed Bachelor studies in International Relations, at Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. He obtained Master of Arts degree in 1986 at the same faculty, with thesis entitled Revolucionarni subjektivitet radničke klase u savremenom jugoslovenskom društvu (eng. Revolutionary subjectivity of the working class in contemporary Yugoslavian society). Mr Stojiljkovic earned PhD degree in 2006. His PhD thesis was entitled Partije i partijski sistem u SR Jugoslaviji (eng. Parties and Party system in FR Yugoslavia).

He currently teaches at Faculty of Political Sciences on University of Belgrade, as an associate professor. He is member of Presidency of the Serbian Political Science Association and Editorial Board of New Serbian Political Thought. He also exercices function of Vice-president at the Association of Trade Unions “Independence”. From 2011 to 2013, he wa presiding the Board of Anti Corruption Agency in Serbia.

Professor Stojiljković published numerous scientific articles on topics concerning party and electoral systems. He is also author of the following books:


  • STOJILJKOVIĆ, Zoran, Partijski sistem Srbije (Party system of Serbia), Službeni glasnik, Beograd, 2009
  • STOJILJKOVIĆ, Zoran. Država i korupcija (State and corruption). Beograd: Fakultet političkih nauka: Čigoja štampa, 2013.
  • STOJILJKOVIĆ, Zoran. Srbija u lavirintima tranzicije : ogledi iz političke sociologije savremenog društva, (Serbia in the Labyrinths of transition) (Biblioteka Društvo i nauka). Beograd: Službeni glasnik, 2011.
  • STOJILJKOVIĆ, Zoran. Konflikt i/ili dijalog : ogledi o sindikatima, tranziciji i demokratiji. (Conflict and/or dialogue) Beograd: Fakultet političkih nauka: Swiss Labour Assistance, 2008

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