PhD Suad Arnautović

He was born on November 17, 1958 in Sarajevo. In the period between 1995 and 2000 he was guest lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and the High School of Health Care in Sarajevo. During 1994 and 1995 he was Editor-in-Chief (freelance) of the independent political journal for promotion of civic society and democratic culture “STYLE”. In 1996 he launched and edited the special “Elections” service of the independent news agency “ONASA” in Sarajevo.

Professor Arnautović published the following books: „Political system of Bosnia and Herzegovina“ (co-author), Sarajevo, 2010., “Political representation and election system in Bosnia and Herzegovina in XX century”, Sarajevo, 2009., “Analyses of politics- Chrestomathy“, Sarajevo, 2008.; „Ten Years of Democratic Chaos – Electoral Processes in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1996 to 2006., Essays, Analyses and Comments”, Sarajevo, 2007; “Municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Demographic, social, economic and political facts” (co-author), Sarajevo, 2006.; “ Local Elections 2004- Lessons Learned”, (co-author), Sarajevo, 2005; “Propedeutics of Political Marketing, Understanding and Organizing Successful Election Campaigns”, Sarajevo, 2001; “ Local Elections Campaign”, Sarajevo, 2000.; “ How Bosnia was Defended”, Sarajevo, 1997.; “Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina ‘90 – Analyses of electoral process”, Sarajevo, 1996.

He published more than 20 scientific and expert papers in various scientific and professional magazines in BiH and abroad, as well as several author articles, reviews, comments in dailies and weekly printed media.

Arnautović participated in numerous international scientific and professional symposia and seminars on elections and electoral processes, as well as in a professional development program on electoral systems and electoral campaign management in the US, and in election observation missions held in Croatia (2004 and 2009), Albania (2004), Azerbaijan (2006), Kirgizstan (2009), Mexico (2009) and Macedonia (2010).

He also participated at international scientific and expert conferences dedicated to political party financing, political integrity and election process in Egypt, Serbia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, France and the United Kingdom. He is member of the Association of Election Officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Political Science Association of BiH and IPSA (International Association for political sciences).

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