Memorandum on Cooperation with the Ministry of Health of Montenegro signed

The Memorandum on Cooperation between Centre for Monitoring and Research and the Ministry of Health of Monetengro, signed on 16th April, 2016.

The proposal for the signing of the Memorandum was prompted by the implemenation of the projects “Healing the Healthcare System of Montenegro” and “The System of Healthcare and Patients’ Rights in Montenegro – Conquering the Confidence of Citizens.” However, the good cooperation so far between the CeMI and the Ministry of Health has caused formalizing cooperation on a general level, which will continue even after the implementation of the mentioned projects. Memorandum is signed by Zlatko Vujovic, President of the Governing Board CeMI and MD phd Budmir Segrt, Minister of Health.

The main objective of the Memorandum is to establish regular communication, coordination and cooperation during the implementation of these projects. More specifically, the signatories committed themselves to intensify mutual exchange of information and data relevant to the achievement of project activities, jointly organized public expert discussions, round tables, campaigns, trainings, and jointly define proposals for the improvement of policy in the fight against corruption in the healthcare system.


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