Study visit to Bucharest

Project associate in Centre for Monitoring and Research, Sanja Zindovic, attended Triple A Study Visit to Bucharest from 7th to 10th March 2016. Study visit was hosted by the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux (NACAB) from Romania.  NACAB is a partner in the Triple A project, funded by EU and led by European Citizen Action Service (ECAS), which aims to support access for citizens to information, advice and active help services in Western Balkans and Turkey.

This study visit was also attended by representatives from other two Montenegrin organizations – the Association of Youth with Disabilities and the Centre for Civic Education in addition to Centre for Monitoring and Research.

Program began with presentation from General Secretary Ronacab office, Marian Daragiu who spoke more about history and current situation of Citizens Advice Bureaux Services in Romania. There were also presentations of representatives from Roman Helsinki Committee, who talked about monitoring of Human rights and support for cases in the court, and Transcena Association who was talking about area of combating domestic violence and equality of woman and man. In this part it was very interesting to hear about successful campaigning in the area of improvement of legislation and ratification of Istanbul Convention.

The two-day study visit also included presentations from representatives of Anais Association and The National Agency for Equality of Woman and Man (active in assistance in courts of woman victims of domestic violence) and The Ministry for Public Consultation and Social Dialog (active in area of increasing the transparency of public institutions and ensuring that the voices of citizens are hard at the government level). Participants had opportunity to visit Romanian Ombudsman Office where they learned more about OPCAT mechanism.

This Study visit was very useful for CeMI because we had opportunity to get new ideas to adapt and implement in Montenegrin system of providing information, advice and advocacy.

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