Health Care System and Patient’s Rights in Montenegro – About Project

Centre for Monitoring and Research CeMI has implementing the project “Health Care System and Patient’s Rights in Montenegro – Winning citizens’ confidence.” The project is funded by the European Union, thanks to the EU Delegation in Montenegro, through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) and the Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS) for Montenegro.

CeMI implemented this project in cooperation with the Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro (UMHCG), Consumers Protection Center Montenegro (CEZAP), the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN) and the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights (YUCOM).

The main objective of the project is to enhance Montenegro’s achievement of EU standards in protection of human rights of underrepresented groups, regarding their rights as patients and to contribute to an equal access to health and justice to all citizens, especially members of marginalized groups. Through the project activities aim is to encourage full implementation of legislative in the field of health care and to make recommendations for their improvement, to get closer to international standards in this area. Also, the aim of planned activities is to increase the awareness of the general public, civil society, health care providers about patients’ rights, with an emphasis on anti-discrimination, equal access to health care and justice, the protection of personal data, personal integrity. CeMI first raised the issue of corruption in the health system of Montenegro, through its research in 2013. Accordingly, this project will also conduct appropriate campaign on affecting citizens to report cases of possible abuses and to support journalists in their investigation of alleged cases of corruption in the health care system.

Through the implementation of the project (01.01.2016.- 30.06.2017.), CeMI will organize trainings, round tables, conferences through which will intensify communication and connections between the stakeholders aimed to enhance the functioning of the health system without discrimination, the system in which all social groups will have the ability to approach.

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