“LegalAidNet” – Network of CSOs which will provide legal aid to marginalized social groups

“LegalAidNet” – Network of CSOs which will provide legal aid to marginalized social groups and individuals is established in Podgorica. Ten NGOs signed Memorandum of understanding thus creating a network dedicated towards providing legal aid and legal assistance to most marginalized groups – RAE, people with disabilities, refugees and displaced persons, persons in need of social assistance, single mothers, women and children victims of domestic violence, children without parental care, asylum seekers, victims of trafficking, LGBT, sex workers, drug users. Following organizations are founders of LegalAidNet: CeMI, HELP, Bonum, Adria, Legal Center, Woman’s Safe House, Association of Young With Dissabilities, Juventas, SOS Nikisic and SOS Podgorica.

LegalAidNet Leaflet 

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