“LegalAidNet” – Network of CSOs which will provide legal aid to marginalized social groups and individuals is established in Podgorica. Ten NGOs signed Memorandum of understanding thus creating a network dedicated towards providing legal aid and legal assistance to most marginalized groups – RAE, people with disabilities, refugees and displaced persons, persons in need of social assistance, single mothers, women and children victims of domestic violence, children without parental care, asylum seekers, victims of trafficking, LGBT, sex workers, drug users. Following organizations are founders of LegalAidNet: CeMI, HELP, Bonum, Adria, Legal Center, Woman’s Safe House, Association of Young With Dissabilities, Juventas, SOS Nikisic and SOS Podgorica.
“LegalAidNet” – Network of CSOs which will provide legal aid to marginalized social groups
Press Release regarding the ID of the citizens of Montenegro
Taking into consideration that identity cards of citizens of Montenegro aren’t a bio-metric document, a question whether citizens of...
Political activism of Women in Montenegro – About Project
On 1st of September, CeMI has started implementing the project „Political activism of Women in Montenegro“, which is supported...
It is needed to implement more financial investigations
More financial investigations have to be implemented in Montenegro, and from October until December last year, in corruption cases,...
Two-day workshop on “Establishing an effective mechanism to prevent torture in Montenegro” was held
Within the project “Strengthening the capacity of the office of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms”, supported by...
The first training within the project “Free Legal Aid for Marginalized Groups held in Budva
The first in a series of trainings within the project “Free Legal Aid for Marginalized Groups” on the topic...
About the project
In December 2012, CeMI has started a new project LAMG – (free) Free legal aid for marginalized groups, with...
Two-day training “Experience and good practice in preparing the report on the Ombudsmen performance” was held
Within the project “Strengthening of the Ombudsman institution in Montenegro”, CeMI organized a two-day training on the topic “The...
Seminar for prosecutors, judges and lawyers was held
Centre for Monitoring and Research CeMI organized a seminar from 6th – 8th October 2015 in hotel “Iberostar Bellevue”...
10 per cent of voters in Herceg Novi with foreign residence Tuesday April 13th, 2021
The election campaign in Niksic was marked with strong tension, pressures and widespread disregard for epidemiological measures Tuesday March 16th, 2021
81.2% of voters exercised their voting right by 7 PM Sunday March 14th, 2021
The Price of Fight against Corruption
How to Make Intra-Party Democracy Possible? Institutional Factors and Internal Dynamics of Intra-Party Relations
Report on Administrative Procedures in the Area of Spatial Planning and Construction
Patient's rights in Montenegro: Making health care system accountable
The Anti-Corruption Agency - Are we ready?