Completed II day of National Conference Strategies for reducing poverty and social exclusion objectives and effects

In the PR Center, Boulevard Josip Broz 23A (enter through side yard, first floor), today (04.02.2011.) has completed the second day of the National Conference “Strategy for Poverty Reduction and Social Exclusion: aims and effects”.

The conference presented the study of public  policy “From integrative to inclusive education in step with the needs” and “Prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer in Montenegro”. In the presentation of the study participants had the opportunity to exchange views on inclusive education in Montenegro – access to competent institutions, as well as about the importance of early detection and prevention of colorectal cancer.


Introductory words were:

Zlatko Vujovic, President of the Board CeMI

Vesna Vučurović, Ministry of Education and Sports

Mina Brajovic, Head of WHO for Montenegro.


Panel on education

Panel on the prevention of colorectal cancer


Here you can download studies and briefs that were presented at the conference.

The study of public policy: “From integrative to inclusive education in step with the needs”

The study of public policy: “Prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer in Montenegro”

Brief: “From integrative to inclusive education in step with the needs”

Brief: “Prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer in Montenegro”


Panel on education

During the second day of the National Conference “Strategy for reducing poverty and social exclusion”, the study of public policy from oblsati education “From integrative to inclusive education in step with the needs”.  This study was writing a research team of the Coalition for Social Change, made up of three organizations: Educational Research Center, the Monitoring Center and the Center for Civic education. Speakers for the panel  were representatives of the Ministry of Education and Sports, Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and the Department for Education and the authors of the study.

The research team talked about the identified problems in the process of introducing the concept of inclusive education in Montenegro, the most important being: inadequate timeframe in which the Commission for directing decision on guiding children in an educational program, insufficient education teachers who work with children with special educational needs, irregularities were observed in the development of individual education plan development, physical and social barriers. They also presented concrete measures to solve these problems, based on regional and experiences from the region.

Representatives of institutions have already provided an overview of the activities undertaken in this area and stressed the need for further cooperation and dialogue with civil society in the field of inclusive education.


Panel on the prevention of colorectal cancer

Head of the World Health Organization Mina Brajovic stressed the importance of prevention and early detection of chronic non-communicable diseases that cause 75% of all deaths in Montenegro, which include and malignant diseases. Representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Health Center Danilovgrad, who took part in panel discussions, presented the activities carried out by health institutions in Montenegro, of the importance of prevention and early detection of colon cancer and stressed satisfaction with the recommendations set out in the study. Recognizing the quality of the project, as well as the common interest of governmental and non-governmental sectors to preserving and improving the health of the citizens of Montenegro, proposed the establishment of cooperation between the Ministry of Health and the Center for Monitoring, in terms of making the planned National Program for prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer.

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