Round Table “Sustainable Institutional Mechanisms for the Improvement of Minority Representation in Montenegrin Parliament” was held

On December 3rd 2010 in hotel “Premier” at 11 am, Center for Monitoring and Research organized round table ““Sustainable institutional mechanisms for the improvement of minority representation in Montenegrin parliament” within the project “Improvement of minority representation in national Parliament” that was financially supported by European fun for Balkan.

A study that resolves this issue was presented at the round table, and it consists of an analysis of the condition in Montenegro, regional overview and specific suggestions for the improvement of minority representation in Montenegrin parliament. The study analyzes current models that are suggested and suggests ways for the introduction of institutional mechanisms for adequate minority representation in national Parliament. The study analyzes two possible scenarios for solving this issue that came from political actors, and it also includes two scenarios that were developed by Centre for Monitoring and Research’s team, which were a subject of long research.

After welcoming speech of MSc Zlatko Vujovic, the President of the Governing Board of CeMI, Clive Rumbold, deputy chief of EU Delegation in Montenegro, and Alyn Roberts, member of OSCE Mission in Montenegro, spoke about the importance and needs for the improvement of minority representation in national parliament.

After the study on institutional mechanisms for the improvement of minority representation in Montenegrin parliament that was completed by CeMI’s research team was presented, the attitudes towards this issue were brought by representatives of proposers of two suggestions for the law that treats alterations of electoral laws: Miodrag Vukovic, PhD, MP and member of presidency of DPS, and Vladislav Bojovic, councilor in MP Club of SNP and member of main board of SNP, and Genci Nimanbegu, MP from political party FORCA.

You can download the study in Montenegrin ovdje.

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