Strengthening of the institution of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms in Montenegro

After the election of new Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms, hereinafter Ombudsman, and after the adoption of the new Law on Ombudsman and other Laws and by-laws, that institution will face many challenges. According to predicted law solutions, the expansion of authorities of the Ombudsman institution is expected by introducing function of National mechanism for prevention of torture in accordance with the Optional protocol and UN Convention against torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

Adoption of new legislative solutions coincides with the expiration of the six-year mandate of the first Ombudsman, which is also the total experience of action of this institution in Montenegro. This fact is very important in terms of quality assessment of the proposed legislation in relation to the previous experience of the Ombudsman performance. Guided by the experience from the previous term of office, the representatives of these institutions will be in a position to recognize the limitations of the proposed regulations, as well as to improve the proposed legislative solutions in order to increase efficiency and quality.

Considering the aforementioned situation, CeMI, with support of the OSCE mission in Montenegro and under the auspices of Delegation of the European Commission to Podgorica, is implementing a project that is dedicated to strengthening the capacity of these institutions.

The overall objective of the project is related to support and improvement of the protection of human rights and freedoms in Montenegro by strengthening the institution of Ombudsman.

The project has three main objectives related to the improvement of human resources, administrative and technical capacities of the institution of the Ombudsman; strengthening the implementation of the new Law on the Ombudsman is enabled in accordance with international and EU standards and in order to raise public awareness in Montenegro with the new Law on the Ombudsman and the new possibilities of protection of rights and freedoms.

CEMI’s project associate is the OSCE Mission to Montenegro. OSCE Mission plays an important role in protecting human rights and freedoms in Montenegro, and it supported the work of the Ombudsman institution from the first day of its establishment. Given the experience and expertise in the field of human rights and freedoms, the OSCE mission to Montenegro will play a significant role in the project.

The project is funded by the European Union, represented by Delegation of the European Commission to Montenegro.


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