About the project

In December 2012, CeMI has started a new project LAMG – (free) Free legal aid for marginalized groups, with the support of the European Commission in Montenegro, within EIDHR call for submission of project proposal.

Specific objective of the project is improvement of the access and equal treatment in the field of human rights and legal rights of the most vulnerable and marginalized groups, by promoting a new Law on Free Legal Aid and its effects in practice, which will eventually lead to the fulfillment of the overall objective of the project, selected by the applicant: To promote democratic reforms in Montenegro, with the special emphasis on social inclusion, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.

The project will last 18 months and includes a wide range of activities, from raising awareness of the entire population and concrete target groups about the new Law and their rights, providing legal assistance to the certain categories of the population, to researches and monitoring of the implementation of the Law on Free Legal Aid and advocating for appropriate legislative changes in order to meet all international standards and national goals in this area.

Partners on the project are: NGO Adria from Bar, HELP and NGO Bonum from Pljevlja, and collaborators on the project are: the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, UNDP and Ombudsman’s Office in Montenegro.

CeMI will regularly inform an interested public about future activities and actions of the project, through our website as well as through the media.

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