About the project

In December 2009, NGO Juventas in partnership with CEMI, started the project “Montenegro – a Bright Spot on the Gay Map” whose main objective was to promote and support human rights of LGBT people in Montenegro. The sub-objective was to promote and support activities against discrimination of LGBT people in Montenegro as well as providing compensation for the committed violation of human rights. Beneficiaries of the project were LGBT persons in Montenegro, while the target groups included LGBT activists, the general population, government institutions (including professionals and service providers) as well as non-governmental organizations, political parties and the media.

For the first time in Montenegro, a broad coalition at the national level in order to promote the realization of the rights of sexual minorities was formed. Representatives of the LGBT community will along with representatives of government institutions, non-governmental organizations, political parties and media advocate for the promotion and support of human rights of sexual minorities in Montenegro.

During the project, in addition to forming a coalition, the following activities will be carried out:

  • Analysis of the situation in where LGBT persons are, based on a survey of public and expert opinions, attitudes and experiences of LGBT persons, the legal framework and the respect of the media.
  • Creating of a National Action Plan, in support of LGBT rights in Montenegro.
  • Implementation of the campaign on the rights of LGBT people in Montenegro between professionals and service providers.
  • Improving technical and managing capacities of LGBT activists.
  • Conducting a media campaign to promote LGBT rights.

About Coalition “Together for LGBT Rights”

The coalition called “Together for LGBT Rights” consists of representatives of civil society and government institutions that are active or important in the field of improving respect for human rights.

Coalition members have committed to: contribute to the improvement of LGBT rights, to introduce this aspiration in their official document: general or specific on the level of organization, preferably in the Statute, to attend monthly meetings of the Coalition and to contribute to the working documents.

The coalition consisted of 5 units:

  • Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Legal system
  • Practical Policies
  • The advocacy campaign
  • Fundraising

Members of the Coalition chose which unit they want to belong, and each unit was given guidance in which direction should it move in order for the activities to be implemented in the best possible way.

Coalition members are encouraged to make contributions in other segments of the Coalition within which they didn’t nominate their representatives. Results of the coalition were publicly announced via newsletters www.montenegrogay.me. Coalition members are encouraged to contribute to the work of www.montenegro-gay.me portal through expression of support for LGBT public text support portal.

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