PhD Slaviša Orlović

He was born in 1966 in Kosovska Mitrovica, Serbia. He obtained Bachelor degree in 1994, at Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. In 2001, he got Master of Arts degree, with thesis entitled Oligarhijska moć u političkim partijama (eng. Oligarh power in political parties). In 2006, he completed PhD studies at Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade. His thesis was Političke partije i razvoj demokratije (eng. Political parties and democracy development).

He currently works as professor at Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade.

Professor Orlović published large number of scientific articles that deal with democratization process and electoral systems. He is also author of the following books:

ORLOVIĆ, Slaviša. Politikološki ogledi : politička sociologija i politička teorija, (Biblioteka Društvo i nauka, Edicija Pojedinačna izdanja). Beograd: Službeni glasnik, 2010.

ORLOVIĆ, Slaviša. Politički život Srbije : između partokratije i demokratije, (Biblioteka Društvena misao, Edicija Načela politike, knj. 15). Beograd: Službeni glasnik, 2008

ORLOVIĆ, Slaviša. Javna slušanja kao institucija parlamentarne prakse = Public hearings. Beograd: Program Ujedinjenih nacija za razvoj, 2007.

ORLOVIĆ, Slaviša. Političke partije i moć, (Biblioteka Agora). Beograd: Jugoslovensko udruženje za političke nauke: Čigoja štampa, 2002.

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